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the dover alumnae chapter of delta sigma theta sorority inc.


The Catherine B. Middleton Scholarship

This scholarship is named in honor of the daughter of founder Jimmie Bugg Middleton, who was a member of our Chapter.  It is awarded to high school seniors in Kent County, Delaware who are pursuing a degree at an accredited four-year college or university. Those receiving this scholarship may apply again, during their undergraduate studies.

The Minnie M. Wynder Scholarship

This scholarship is named in honor of one of our charter members who gave untiringly to the Chapter, to the community, and to Delaware State University.  The scholarship is awarded to a student matriculating at Delaware State University, who demonstrates outstanding involvement in community service.

The Laquia (Luh-kee-uh) S. Leatherberry Scholarship

This scholarship is named in honor of a former Sub-Deb (now called Delta G.E.M.S.) who was attending the University of Delaware and majoring in education and at the age of 20, was killed by a drunk driver. This scholarship is awarded to high school seniors in Kent County who will be attending a four-year accredited college/university and majoring in education

The Delaware Technical & Community College Scholarship

This scholarship is designed to assist African-American students who are currently matriculating at Delaware Technical & Community College, Terry Campus, Dover, facing financial obstacles in the pursuit of a higher degree.

Scholarship Applications are available below and at your local school. For questions, please email us. 

The Catherine B. Middleton Scholarship (High School Seniors)

- The Catherine B. Middleton Scholarship (Collegiate Students)

- The Minnie M. Wynder Scholarship

- The Delaware Technical & Community College Scholarship

Upcoming events


Dover Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.

PO BOX 636

Dover, DE 19903



Chapter President:

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